
Organizational structure

The Numidia group has its head office in the Netherlands, with branch offices in the Netherlands, Singapore, the United States of America, and Uruguay. Combined with local sales representatives across the world, Numidia can serve the global market.

The main strategic decisions are taken at the managerial level at head office, while the branch offices are focused on commercial account management, customer care and supply chain sourcing. All staff functions are centralized in the Netherlands.

Management structure

Our management structure is based on the main functions and processes within our company and the required segregation of duties (SoD).

Board of directors

The CEO, CFO, CCO (2x) and the HR Director make up our Board of Directors (BoD). All members of the board are employed and located in the Netherlands. The statutory directors and Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO) of Numidia Holding are members of the BoD.

The BoD’s main function is to make decisions on strategy, capital allocation and investments, risk management, sustainability, and governance.

Han van Hagen

Chief Executive Officer since 2015 and Statutory Director since 2023

Additional activities: board member of the Numidia Charity Foundation

Paul Hawinkels

Chief Financial Officer since 2018

Har Daamen

HR Director since 2011

Additional activities: board member of the Numidia Charity Foundation

Aziz Mahnin

Chief Commercial Officer and Statutory Director since 2011

Additional activities: board member of the “Sporten en Bewegen Swalmen/Boukoul” foundation

Maurice Daamen

Chief Commercial Officer and Statutory Director since 2014

Additional activities: board member of the “LMC topvolleybal” foundation, board member of the “Coöperatie Eredivisie Volleybal Nederland” cooperative.

All members of the BoD have extensive knowledge of the dairy industry and their respective areas of responsibility. The BoD brings to the table a total of over 65 years of experience in the dairy industry.

Legal structure

We have included a complete overview of the legal entities involved in our financial report: Note 23 of our separate financial statement 2023. All group companies are limited liability companies and (indirectly) owned by Numidia Holding B.V.

Pursuant to Section 2:403 of the Netherlands Civil Code, Numidia Holding B.V. has issued a liability declaration and therefore accepts full liability for all Dutch legal entities within the Numidia group. The Vonk Culinary Cheese joint venture, in which Numidia holds 50% of shares, is not considered a group company for reporting purposes.