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About this report

This annual report integrates the financial performance, as reported in the financial statements, with our operational and sustainability performance in 2023. Next to that it also contains an outlook with ambitions and goals for 2024 and beyond. The reporting scope of the non-financial information is in line with the financial statements and covers the operations of all consolidated companies. Reference is made to note 23 of the separate financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. The assurance statement for the financial statements can be found in the Independent auditor's report.

The non-financial information has been prepared with reference to the applicable GRI standards. No external assurance is given with respect to non-financial information. Going forward, it's foreseen that the CSRD standards will become dominant over the GRI standards. Numidia is preparing itself for this, but expects that GRI will stay relevant in the years to come due to its global scope and high adoption rate in the existing sustainability reporting landscape.