Other information

Short list of potential material topics






The business performed within Numidia shall be conducted in compliance with applicable anti-corruption laws and anti-bribery laws in each relevant jurisdiction and institute and maintain policies and procedures designed to promote and achieve compliance with such laws.


Anti-competitive activities

The actions of Numidia aimed at avoiding collusion with potential competitors, in order to prevent limitations on the effects of market competition.


Procurement/sales practices

The procurement practices applied by Numidia, such as lead times or the purchasing prices we negotiate, will not lead to negative impacts in the supply chain.


Human rights

Align the approach with international human rights standards in order to prevent the use of child labor, forced/bonded labor and harsh or inhumane treatment of workers, and protect the right to freedom of association, both in the operations and wider supply chain.


Non-discrimination & diversity

Numidia will ensure that no discriminatory practices of any kind with regards to recruitment, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination of the employment agreement or retirement is applied based on race, caste, creed, nationality, religion, age, physical or mental disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation and/or union membership or political affiliation.


Occupational H&S

Create a healthy and safe work environment for our employees to prevent physical and mental harm and promote overall well-being.


Market presence

Contribution to economic development in the dairy market.


Indirect economic impact

Keep track of the additional consequences of the direct impact of financial transactions performed by Numidia.


Risk & compliance

Assessing applicable risks on an ongoing basis by implementing measures and controls to reduce risk as much as possible, within a reasonable costs-benefit trade-off.


Climate change

Reducing, minimizing and compensating energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions resulting from Numidia’s operations.


Emission management

All efforts to reduce greenhouse gases where possible shall be made. Renewable energy sources shall be used where possible and affordable.



Maintaining and enhancing biodiversity in our supply chain by defining policies and clear expectations with our suppliers.



Minimize waste generation to reduce scarcity of resources and waste pollution.


Water & effluents

Effective water management and identification of water-related impacts resulting from our operations.


Product safety, quality & supply chain performance

Ensure that the products we offer are of high quality and meet the requirements of our stakeholders and own safety and quality requirements, and with this manage the supply chain performance.


Healthy products (Customer H&S)

Offer nutritious products to our customers.


Knowledge of Numidians (Development of our people)

The approach of Numidia to upgrade the skills, performance and career development of our employees.


Animal welfare

Treat dairy animals with care in order to ensure animals’ health and welfare, including the responsible use of antibiotics and the five freedoms (freedom from hunger and thirst, from discomfort, from pain, injury, and disease, to express normal and natural behavior, from fear and distress).


Local communities (Charity foundations)

With our Charity Foundation we support children in need by giving them access to better living conditions and a proper education.


Market predictions (algorithm)

Numidia uses Artificial Intelligence in which Machine Learning algorithms are trained on large amounts of market-related data to predict the future market prices of various dairy commodities. This information is mirrored to the insights that traders have about the future dairy market. Purchase/sale decisions are made based on the combination of algorithmic predictions and trader insights.