
Numidia at a glance

Numidia was established in December 2011 in the Netherlands. It is specialized in the international dairy trade, with an extended international network of customers, suppliers, and business partners. Numidia’s chief focus is the worldwide purchase, production, and sales of a wide range of standard dairy products (both fat- and protein-based). The commodities we deal with include both physical products and derivatives (futures and options).

The Numidia philosophy is based on openness and transparency towards suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. In practice, this means we operate on a policy of full disclosure when it comes to business-related activities and information. Furthermore, Numidia can provide international market information, ways for customers and suppliers to mitigate their (price) risks, and expert knowledge on products and applications.

Numidia has a proven track record in the dairy commodity and dairy-related ingredients trade. The knowledge and experience that we acquired over the last decade is the basis for Numidia’s success.


We believe that everyone worldwide should be able to enjoy the benefits of quality dairy products. We see it as our task to contribute to making that happen!


We want to be the best and most sustainable supplier of standard dairy products in the world for the food and feed market. We want to add value (commercial, logistics, financial, risk management, administrative and technical) for our suppliers and our customers with whom we want to establish long-term relationships. Our people make the difference!

Our values

The organization currently consists of about 118 people (“Numidians”), has a turnover of almost 920 million, and has shipped over 350,000 metric tons of products in 2023.

Numidia has offices in Singapore, Uruguay (Montevideo) and USA (Dallas), as well as commercial representatives in Poland, Italy, Argentina, Ireland, and China (2 locations). With this network of offices/representatives around the world, Numidia can anticipate on changes in the global dairy market and thereby make products available to customers at all times.

Through a 50% participation in the VCC cheese factory (Dairy production site in Belgium), we are integrating backwards by investing in cheese production. Our strategic aim is to further invest in sourcing- or service-related activities.

The Backward Integration Strategy, together with our global presence, broad product range, and commodity markets (both physical and derivative), is the basis for Numidia’s leading position in the global dairy trade.